Sunday, February 15, 2009

Getting it done (marketing/promotions)

Many would agree it is hard marketing your newly published book(s) with a full-time job that pays the actual bills. I have been away for weeks with weeks to go completing one of many more of my military schools. I must say; the runs in the morning have changed. I no longer think of how tired I am rounding that last corner of my last mile. I now think of creative ways of getting it done (marketing/promotions) coming up with new marketing strategies and ways to get traffic to my site.

The air is clean, crisp and new and so are many of my ideas. When I say new I mean new for me, I am positive they have been done and are being done by many other authors. I completed my run yesterday, did my cool down and walked back to my room. I sat down and pulled out a notebook, I wrote down the question, “Why did I write my books?” Four pages later I realized I was not doing enough to get my books out there, I was not doing enough to getting it done (marketing/promotions).

I followed many of the suggested promotions listed that instructs us to:

1. Start a Blog
2. Create a Website
3. Network (on and offline)
4. Myspace (each book)
5. Facebook
6. iGoogle
7. Twitter
8. Technorati

There are many more but is it enough? Do they do what they say? I have networked with many positive encounters, while many turned out to be dead-ends. I did however come across a site today Nothing Binding that seems to do what they say they would do. This is the first of my getting it done (marketing/promotions). I pulled out the marketing section of my business plan and revamped a few things. I downsized many of my online networks and began to dig in my heels. I sent out a few book review request and have a blog talk radio interview tomorrow at 1:00 with Write Turns Allowed.

I wrote my first book Simon Says Share because I wanted to give back to the children. So now I decided with my one book, I will support three causes. My book is for the children and when you purchase it, it will be for their enjoyment and to benefit someone in need. This is my first getting it done (marketing/promotions) task.

So if it's a run, walk or vacation use it to take a fresh look at what you are doing and don't be afraid to take another approach. Forget that old saying "If it's not broke don't fix it" if you don't do anything your making a mistake. Happy Publishing.

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